2YRSJiangli Technology (Dongguan) Co.,Ltd.

Aperçu de l'entreprise

Album de la société3

Informations de base
Jiangli Technology (Donggaun) Co., Ltd. was founded in 2019, mainly engaged in R&D, manufacturing and sales of constant torque hinges. Its products are widely used in automotive, electronics, medical, aviation and other industries.The main customers of the service are BYD, Bochi , HeDa , Kaiyuan and so on . Since its inception, Jiangli has formed its own core competitive advantages with a strong technical team, advancing with the times of high-end manufacturing and measuring equipment with strict quality system, to provide customers with efficient and high-quality services. With fast and efficient communication, reasonable cost, comprehensive and flexible service as our philosophy, we help our customers achieve their goals in a short period of time, thus enabling them to gain a strong competitive advantage.
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  • 13 Transactions
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Type d’entreprise
Fabricants, Entreprise de vente
Pays / région
Guangdong, China
Produits principauxNombre d’employés total
11 - 50 People
Chiffre d’affaires total
Below US$1 Million
Année de création
Certifications(1)Certifications de produits
Principaux marchés

Capacité du produit

Information de l'usine

Taille de l’usine
Below 1,000 square meters
Lieu de l’usine
Room 301 ,NO. 6,Xingcheng Road, Chang'an Town,Dongguan, GuangDong, China
Nbre de lignes de production
Fabrication sous contrat
OEM Service Offered, Design Service Offered
Valeur de la production annuelle
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million

Contrôle de la qualité

Processus de Gestion de La qualité

IS0 9000
IS0 9000